
Secondary School

Year 7 to Year 12

Continuing from a strong foundation of positive learning experiences in Primary School, our goal at Macarthur Adventist College is to empower our secondary students by preparing them for their unique future as they find purpose in the ever-changing world.

During this vital stage in personal growth, high-quality teaching and learning practices provide students with a holistic education, and a varied range of opportunities with which to build on established learning skills, self-motivation and a growing sense of personal responsibility.

With a broad range of subjects offered within the creative, academic, technical and industrial arts, students can immerse themselves in areas of interest and skill within a rigorous and stimulating environment, while gradually refining their sense of purpose and personal goals for future tertiary study or careers. Leadership and service opportunities cultivate a heart for others and prepare students to be compassionate, generous contributors to society.

Decide in your heart of hearts what really excites and challenges you, and start moving your life in that direction.
Chris Hadfield, Astronaut

Our caring and invested teaching, chaplaincy and wellbeing staff provide a safe and supportive environment for students, while challenging them to consider their place in God's world. Daily morning devotional and prayer times and relevant and dynamic weekly Chapel services give students the opportunity to engage with Christian teaching and perspectives, while counselling staff are available to assist students and families through the ups and downs of the teenage years.

Our secondary students are given access to a range of specialist and general learning areas and facilities on campus, including Music and Art studios, industrial technology, food technology and textiles workshops and well-equipped computer labs, alongside a spacious and airy multi-purpose Hall, plenty of outdoor space and well-resourced Library fit with designated study areas.

Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Solomon, Proverbs 22:6

Further Information Year 7 to 12

We help students develop values based on the qualities displayed by Jesus. These values will contribute to shaping their characters as adults. Love, justice, compassion, forgiveness, service, humility, courage, hope and appreciation are taught explicitly during morning devotional time and our weekly chapel services. They are also inherent in the way we instruct, guide and support students in their daily learning activities and social interactions.

Firm boundaries and an emphasis on service to others during Secondary School enables students to look beyond themselves and explore how their behaviours and attitudes make a contribution to the lives of those around them.

During the senior years, students focus on service to others and leadership. Under the mentorship of supportive teachers and chaplains, senior students are given an increasing number of opportunities to lead in Music, Sport and service activities. In Year 12, students have the opportunity to mentor younger students and take up leadership opportunities. This not only helps our students’ emotional wellbeing and community connectedness, but also allows them to grow in maturity and gain an understanding of what it means to be a great leader.

Full coverage of the Key Learning Areas required by the NSW Board of Studies from Year 7 to Year 12 is available.

Year 7 and 8 Subjects

  • English
  • Food Technology
  • Geography
  • History
  • Industrial Technology
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
  • Bible
  • Science
  • Textiles Technology
  • Visual Arts

Year 9 and 10 Subjects

Core subjects include:

  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
  • Bible
  • Science

Students also choose one subject from Line 1 and another from Line 2. These include:

  • Commerce
  • Food Technology
  • Wood Technology
  • IST (Information and Software Technology)
  • Music
  • Visual Arts
  • PASS (Physical Activity and Sports Studies)

Year 11 and 12 Electives

Year 11 and Year 12 students have access to a broad range of subjects that suit both tertiary-bound students and those looking at non-university pathways following school. Each Tuesday afternoon students are granted access to undertake TAFE courses that run alongside their school subjects.

The line up of subjects is reviewed on a yearly basis to ascertain the applicability of what is offered. There are seven lines students must choose from.

The subjects offered in Year 11 & 12 may include:

  • Ancient History (2 units)
  • Biology (2 unit)
  • Business Studies (2 unit)
  • Chemistry (2 unit)
  • Community and Family Studies (2 unit)
  • English Advanced (2 unit)
  • English Standard (2 unit)
  • English Studies (2 unit)
  • Enterprise Computing (2 unit)
  • Food Technology (2 unit)
  • Industrial Technology (2 unit)
  • Legal Studies (2 unit)
  • Mathematics Standard (2 unit)
  • Mathematics Advanced (2 unit)
  • Mathematics Extension 1 (Year 11 1 unit)
  • Mathematics Extension 2 (Year 12 1 unit)
  • Music 1 (2 unit)
  • Music 2 (2 unit)
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (2 unit)
  • Physics (2 unit)
  • PVDI (Photography, Video and Digital Imaging - 2 unit non-ATAR)
  • Studies of Religion 1 (1 unit)
  • Visual Arts (2 unit)
  • Work Studies (1 unit non-ATAR)

Check with the Director of Studies to confirm subject lines and availability.

View Year 11 and 12 Electives

Additional support is provided for students assessed with significant remedial needs and those with low English Language Acquisition (ESL).

For students assessed with a disability, learning support teachers work with parents, classroom teachers and experts to devise teaching and learning strategies that assist them in their education. This is designed to give all students equal access to learning.

Personal excellence is a focus in every classroom, with assessments and activities used as a basis for extending those who show greater levels of interest and ability. Further extension opportunities are available through International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) and co-curricular activities distinctive to Secondary School.

In Year 11 and Year 12, extension is offered to students who demonstrate accelerated ability in English and Mathematics. University and distance education courses may also be available to those students who wish to pursue subject areas not currently offered by the College.

Co-curricular opportunities allow students to develop themselves into well-rounded individuals. Senior students are encouraged to develop in areas that enable them to build team and leadership skills, allowing them to grow in self-worth and success. Often co-curricular activities provide students with these opportunities and the chance to discover who they are and to develop areas of interest and excellence outside of the classroom.

There are a variety of opportunities available to students who have an interest in co-curricular areas.

These areas may include:

  • Band
  • Chapel Band (for contemporary worship)
  • Choir
  • Ensembles
  • Inter-house sports
  • Inter-school sports (CIS and CSSA)
  • International service trip
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Music tuition
  • Sports carnivals
  • Study group

Our classrooms are digitally equipped with age-appropriate technology. This enhances the delivery of the curriculum, caters to a broad range of learning styles, and allows students to solve problems, work, and connect with each other and the world. Each student has their own laptop as part of the College Laptop Leasing Program, as well as regular access to technology in the Library and Computer Labs as part of their weekly program.

At Macarthur, students feel like they belong. Our classroom teachers and stage coordinators are on the front line of pastoral care as they interact with students on a daily basis. Our anti-bullying policy and discipline practices are designed to build harmonious relationships and resolve issues of concern or conflict openly and respectfully.

Chaplains provide support to students, staff and school families regardless of their faith. They are active in coordinating programs for social wellbeing and emotional development, interacting with students in the playground and offering a friendly listening ear, mentoring students with behavioural or emotional needs, enhancing engagement with the broader community, and providing a range of opportunities for spiritual reflection. In times of loss and trauma, additional support is also given to individuals, families and the school community. Our School Counsellor is available for more specific social-emotional needs that require specialist assistance or outside referral.

We value our partnership with parents and recognise that when school and parents have shared expectations, positive behaviour and change for the better is most likely to occur. Concerned parents are welcome to contact their child's teacher, school chaplain, school counsellor or administration at any time.