

Primary Curriculum

The Primary curriculum at Macarthur Adventist College is organised under the mandated Key Learning Areas (KLAs) developed by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).

Our Primary School follows:

  • NSW Syllabus’ for the Australian Curriculum
  • NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) K-10.
  • AUC Adventist Encounter Syllabus (for the comprehensive teaching of the Bible)

Educational programs developed by our Primary Teachers correlate with the content and outcomes of the NESA syllabuses applicable from Kindergarten to Year 6. Our teachers plan, program, teach and assess according to the syllabus outcomes provided for each Stage.

Our Pre-Kindergarten program has been carefully designed by adapting key elements of the Early Stage 1 syllabus documents to assist with preparing students smooth transition into Kindergarten. Knowledge and skills that align with a strong foundation for starting school in the following year have been carefully considered and tailored to meet the needs of our prep students.

Secondary Curriculum

Our Secondary program follows the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Curriculum, with students able to enjoy an engaging and rigorous learning experience through varied subject offerings.

Senior Secondary students also have the option of studying additional subjects via TAFE and distant education. Co-curricular activities and service opportunities are also offered to build leadership, responsibility and teamwork skills to better our student's holistic learning journey and prepare them for their unique future in the ever changing world.

Year 7 Subjects
  • English
  • Technology - Food & Agriculture
  • Geography
  • History
  • Technology - Material
  • Technology - Digital
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
  • Bible
  • Science
  • Visual Arts
Year 8 Subjects
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Technology - Textiles
  • Technology - Material
  • Technology - Digital
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
  • Bible
  • Science
  • Visual Arts
Year 9 and Year 10 Subjects
The Core subjects for Year 9 and 10 are:
  • English
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
  • Bible
  • Science
Students are also able to choose from a range of elective subjects, including:
  • Commerce
  • Food Technology
  • Wood Technology
  • Information and Software Technology
  • Music
  • Physical Activity and Sports Studies
  • Visual Arts
Year 11 and Year 12 Electives

Year 11 students are required to undertake the following subjects in preparation for their Higher School Certificate - Studies of Religion, Work Studies and English. Students who wish to attend university need to qualify for an ATAR - Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank. This requires you to study NESA Board Developed Courses - English (Compulsory) and at least 4 other Board Developed Courses (those that have an HSC Examination at the end) so that (UAC) can use your school-based assessment and HSC Examination results to do their ATAR calculations. This also includes the VET Board Developed Courses (Vocational Education and Training courses e.g. Construction, Hospitality, Retail, Entertainment). You MUST sit the HSC Examination if you wish to include these in the calculation of your ATAR.

The subjects offered in Year 11/12 may include:
  • Ancient History (2 unit)
  • Biology (2 unit)
  • Business Studies (2 unit)
  • Chemistry (2 unit)
  • Community and Family Studies (2 unit)
  • English Advanced (2 unit)
  • English Standard (2 unit)
  • English Studies (2 unit)
  • Enterprise Computing (2 unit)
  • Food Technology (2 unit)
  • Industrial Technology (2 unit)
  • Legal Studies (2 unit)
  • Mathematics Standard (2 unit)
  • Mathematics Advanced (2 unit)
  • Mathematics Extension 1 (Year 11 1 unit)
  • Mathematics Extension 2 (Year 12 1 unit)
  • Music 1 (2 unit)
  • Music 2 (2 unit)
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (2 unit)
  • Photography, Video and Digital Imaging (2 unit) Non ATAR
  • Physics (2 unit)
  • Studies of Religion 1 (1 unit)
  • Visual Arts (2 unit)
  • Work Studies (1 unit) Non ATAR

Senior Secondary students also have the option of studying additional subjects via TAFE and distant education.

In addition to reading the Subject Selection Booklet 2025, we recommend that you watch the introductory video below as it will give you in-depth information about subject selections for Years 11 and Year 12. We have also compiled a series of individual subject videos to help guide your choices.

Studies of Religion 1
Work Studies

English Studies
English Standard and Advanced


Mathematics Standard
Mathematics Advanced

Community and Family Studies
Legal Studies

Mathematics Extension 1

Ancient History

Information Process and Technology
Food Technology

Music 1
Music 2

Visual Arts

Photography, Video and Digital Imaging

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Business Studies

Industrial Technology